Glaucoma Treatment in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is India’s ancient and traditional health cure system. It is a very safe and effective way to treat diseases and moreover, it does not have any side effects. This article talks in detail about Glaucoma treatment in Ayurveda.

Glaucoma condition occurs, when the pressure inside the eyes increases. If it is unnoticed and untreated then it may lead to damage to the optic nerve that can cause blindness. Our eye is surrounded by a watery fluid, which circulates generously between the cornea and iris. Normally this fluid flows without restraint in and out of our eyes. In the case of Glaucoma, the fluid gets arid and cannot flow out because of the increased pressure that in turn causes injury to the optic nerve.

This optic nerve is responsible to carry out the most significant task of transporting the information from the brain to the eyes as well as liable for food vision. Appropriate and accurate treatment can detain the development of this ailment. There are no primary symptoms or any pain and also no change in the vision. Glaucoma is identified through eye check up and also on the information regarding age, health, diet, and lifestyle. Glaucoma treatment in ayurveda can be decided on the basis of this information.

The ayurvedic treatment includes holistic and natural remedies. These natural antidotes have a long term and lasting effect and avert the return of this disease. The treatment blends diet, herbs and several other procedures that reinforce the body and strengthens the immunity system.

In ayurveda Glaucoma is an ailment that is caused due to Kapha dosha disturbance in thick fluid that surrounds the cornea. Consequently, it may cause loss of sight. If it is avoided then there may be total and enduring loss of sight. This treatment focuses at regulating the imbalance of the kapha dosha, so that the development of this ailment gets arrested and then enhances the eye condition.

Glaucoma treatment in ayurveda is aimed to correct the disparity and strife caused by this disease and heals it efficiently and enduringly.

To gather more information about glaucoma treatment in ayurveda, you can make an appointment with a qualified ayurvedic health practitioner.

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